Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy;love does not parade itself. is not puffed up.does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things. endure all things. 1 corinthians 13:4-8.


If i could see you everyday
If i was not me
If i was more gifted
If i could sit next to you in your school and people will think its sweet
If i could be all laid back and not get hurt loving you
If i am not sensitive when it comes to you
If we don't fall so many times
If i can believe again
If i can be taller
If IF IF IF IF....

will you love me more? is "if" your love for me? if only im not me?

I Dont want you to love me Just BECAUSE

Because i walked all the way to you when you needed me, to see you though it's just for a day
Because i tried so hard to change myself for you.
Because i try to learn as many talents and skills to be worthy
Because others boast and show their love but doesnt mean i don't LOVE you more than "show"
Because im trying vry hard and getting tired to not get affected by you, but i cant because i love u
Because i cant hesitate when it comes to you
Because i let you fall on me
Because i never stopped believing in you
Because i don't accept the fact what people tell me.
BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE... because i love you...


eventhough you dont see the things i did and wil do for you, i will always do them
eventhough you dont know i love you more than me, i do
eventhough you never thought of it, i always do my best for you
eventhough you don't know, i AM always there for you
eventhough you continue breaking my heart, i love you
eventhough it's not me, everything you are matters to me
eventhough we fight so many times i forget them for you
eventhough you dont sometimes, i believe in you
eventhough im me, i will change FOR you.

for who you are, and are not. For what is you strength and for what are you weaknesses i love you 100%